Thursday, 18 May 2017


Life is good. Last Sunday we've been celebrating Zoe's first bee-day. It was fun :D So many peoples in such a small living room! And now we are preparing for our first summer holidays.
Life is good.

Friday, 12 May 2017


I feel audacious those days. I turned down a job offer in a brand new gym, literally 2 minutes walk from the place where I live. Yesterday I quit my current job, and now I'm going to join the gym where I didn't want to work, behind my building. Should I be crying of laughing? LoL
And then I have this feeling that everything is going to be alright.

Tuesday, 9 May 2017


Happy birthday Zoe! You just turned one, two hours ago!
Since you were born my all tops are overstretched ( your little hands are always on the mission to find a milky boob ) and those with long sleeves are decorated with your snots.
Life with you Zoe is fun! ♥

 I've made a big decision today. I'm not coming back to my old job.

Wednesday, 3 May 2017


There are few things going on right now. There is a headless doll waiting to be fixed, Zoe's first birthday party to be organized with  DIY bee - day decorations, and my daily work to which I supposed to returned...

My parental leave is almost finished! I'm scared to even think about it!
So do I need to go back to work, now when I started to enjoy being a mom? Could I stay at home instead and get paid for it? Get paid for raising an emotionally stable, happy, brave and independent to some extent human being who will inspire others and soon enough pay taxes? 

Lately, I'm in the creative zone. :D


Journey. That will be a title for the next year starting from today. Last year I asked myself out loud "how my life can change in a ...