Yesterday I came across a very interesting article on the website. It is called ''10 painfully obvious truths everyone forget to soon''. You can find a link to that website at the bottom of this post.
Two things intrigued me the most:
1. Being busy does not mean being productive.
I always thought that when I'm busy it means that I'm doing something good with my life. For me ,being not busy means being lazy. As simple as that. I could feel frustrated very often, because I didn't have any plans for the evening, day or a weekend. But on the other hand, when I was busy I felt tired and overwhelmed.
Yesterday I realized that I don't need to be busy all the time, and in fact '' busyness isn't a virtue nor is it something to respect'' So take your time and relax Mags. No one is standing behind you with a whip and pushing you to squeeze all the juice from the day.
2.Some people are simply the wrong match for you.
For the most part of my life I thought that something is wrong with me because I simply can't adapt to some people. I lost a lot of energy to adjust myself to the others but deep down I knew it is not the way to do it.
If you feel awkward being with somebody don't waste your time or energy, just turn around and go in a different direction ;)
Embrace yourself ♥
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