Sunday, 30 October 2016

Being a mom

Being a mom feels like that ;)

But seriously, how it is to be a mom?

Sometimes I hate it, and I sigh to how my life was before, and then things get easier and I kind of enjoy changing dirty nappies several times a day and sooth my baby for hours during the night....

Who am I kidding??!! My life is over! Big time! And probably I'll never have so much free time I used to have before.
But sometimes I try to imagine how my life would look like without Zoe and it seems so predictable, so BORING! With her I never can be sure if I'll survive till the next day without going crazy! ;) Life became so unpredictable, so dangerous with such a huge amount of caffeine in my veins and constant lack of proper sleep.

 Being a mom is a wonder.
I am like: "how the hell I can still function?"

Being a mom is a challenge.
I think I can't do any more , I'm exhausted and I want to jump out of the window or throw myself under a bus ,and then my baby pushes me even more, so I need to suck it up and grow a pair...

Being a mom is awesome!
I would never know that I have so many skils and super powers! (if you are a mom, you know what I'm talking about) :D

They say there is not such thing like perfect time to become parents, and they are fucking right! Because nothing can prepare you for what is coming with that bundle of "joy"...and yet in the end of the day I can't get out of admiration for little miracle laying next to me in the cot connected to our bed :D



Journey. That will be a title for the next year starting from today. Last year I asked myself out loud "how my life can change in a ...