Friday evening. I'm working on my blog, trying to improve some bits. Unaware of anything I started to delete all my posts in google+. ( Don't ask me why!)
Google+ it's not a blog, right? Well apparently both of this things are closely linked with each other.
So now you can imagine my horror when I discovered that most of my pictures are gone!!!!
Yes gone! Out! No longer present on my blog!!!
For the next two days I tried to found out how to restore my photos from the internet.
Please note that part of this missing photos weren't present on my computer! :( They were specially customized for the use of the blog and then deleted.
It took me some time to realized that I won't restore whole year of blogging.
In my ears I still have the lyrics of Disney's song: " Let it go, let it go...."
At the end I did let go.
What I learned from that experience?
That nothing last forever! Ha! It's not the most cheerful thought :P But I also learned something else!
Because of what happened I had a time to think , what I really want to write about&what I want to share with my numerous readers! Haha :D
I tided up my blog, I replaced some of the pictures, and now I'm ready to move on with new ideas&inspirations.
Never ever give up!