Wednesday, 24 September 2014

How to turn wounds into wisdom?

Yesterday I realized something. It was so obvious , but I think I was hiding that from myself for a long , long time. I thought that if I would behave in the way that everything is ok, finally it will be ok. But yesterday the truth hit me straight in to my face. 

80% of my free time I spend for personal development. And that's great because I know why I feel the way I do. I know why I'm angry with myself, why I envy ,why I'm anxious or scared or I don't appreciate myself. I've been trying different things and I came so far but still, I don't feel good with myself and that's what make me unhappy inside. 

Few days ago I came across the following article which made me I can start to love myself? How I can be polite to myself, more forgiving , and finally appreciate who I really am. 

I had promised myself I will focus more on what's NOW rather than on what WAS and I'll start to practice self love. 
How? I have no bloody idea!!!

picture found in google


Sunday, 14 September 2014

Back on track

The last few days were very hard for me. Life has knocked me down and suddenly everything seemed so meaningless. I experienced sadness and failure and I couldn't motivate myself to do anything. But I believe that everything happens for a reason , so I will stay strong. 

Today is my birthday and I have just one wish.

 I wish myself, I could always bravely walked through life no matter what!

picture found in google


Journey. That will be a title for the next year starting from today. Last year I asked myself out loud "how my life can change in a ...